Purchase Premium Features

Purchase an activation code and unlock a wealth of extra features, including autocompletion, code snippets, cross-database querying, NuGet integration, direct editing of SQL data, AI integration, and a fully integrated debugger!

No further downloads are required. Be up and running in less than a minute.

All licenses are perpetual (non-expiring) for the current major version, and include free minor updates.

Run LINQ queries — or any C#/VB/F# expression/program Yes Yes Yes Yes
Results to rich text or data grids Yes Yes Yes Yes
Automatic translation to SQL, fluent method syntax and IL/native Yes Yes Yes Yes
Reference your own assemblies and #load external .cs files Yes Yes Yes Yes
Interoperate with BenchmarkDotNet, Excel, xUnit and more Yes Yes Yes Yes
Full C#/F#/VB autocompletion and tooltips Yes Yes Yes
Smart tags for importing additional namespaces/references (C#/VB) Yes Yes Yes
Code outlining and auto-formatting (C#/VB) Yes Yes Yes
Rename symbol, go to definition and find references (C#/VB) Yes Yes Yes
Built-in and custom code snippets Yes Yes
Directly edit database tables in grids and save changes back to database Yes Yes
Cross-database querying for SQL Server Yes Yes
Full NuGet integration Yes Yes
Override method completion, abstract class and interface implementation Yes
Integrated debugger, with call stack, threads, local variables/watch windows, breakpoints and single-stepping Yes
AI Autocompletion and Interactive AI Chat with unlimited customizable prompts, using your low-cost ChatGPT account (no subscription required) Yes
Purchase now and receive LINQPad 8 (plus older versions).
Free updates until November 2025!
Price per user
10-user Team License
Enterprise License (unlimited users, up to 10 locations)
Educational Classroom License
Click for upgrade pricing

*Pro and Developer editions cannot be purchased through resellers.
30-day unconditional refund guarantee on all purchases.

Unlock the Power of the Programmer’s Playground


LINQPad's autocompletion includes everything that you depend on:

  • Completion and filtered member lists
  • Parameter listing
  • Quick info
  • Code outlining
  • Smart tags for importing namespaces (C#/VB)
  • Code formatting (C#/VB)

Autocompletion works not only with LINQ queries, but the entire C#/F#/VB language.

Power Tick

LINQPad’s unique Power-Tick lets you select multiple properties, when creating anonymous types in C# or VB, without closing the popup. This is a massive time-saver.

Smart Tags

When you enter an unresolved type or extension method, LINQPad offers a smart tag to import the namespace. And you don’t have to get the casing correct!

Code Snippets

Access your favorite Visual Studio C#/VB code snippets, plus a dozen unique high-productivity LINQ snippets — as well as any custom snippets that you define.

Custom snippets can also include namespace imports, assembly references and NuGet package references. So you can set up an entire environment with just a few keypresses.

Code FIxes

Use code fixes such as override method and implement interface/abstract class to boost your productivity.

NuGet Integration

LINQPad's integrated NuGet Package Manager puts the entire NuGet ecosystem at your fingertips.

LINQPad's local package cache ensures that you don't have to download a package again to use it in another query. You can even save package references to a code snippet, to recall them in a few keystrokes.

For your security, LINQPad checks packages for published vulnerabilities in the background and warns you when a potential issue is detected.

Edit SQL Data in Grids

Open database tables for editing, and save changes back to the database. This feature works with SQL Server/Azure, SQLite, MySQL, Postgres and Oracle. The Premium edition also includes the ability to write cross-database queries — just control+drag additional databases from the Schema Explorer onto your query!


The Premium edition includes an integrated lightweight debugger. Single-step through your scripts, set breakpoints, and examine local variables! The debugger works with C#, VB and F# and can debug multi-threaded and asynchronous code.

LINQPad's debugger is unique in being fully asynchronous, so it never freezes under any conditions.

AI Chat

Best of all, the Premium edition includes advanced AI integration that works with your ChatGPT or Azure OpenAI account (so you don't need to pay a monthly subscription).

Not only does LINQPad give you AI completion, but an interactive AI chat window with 20 inbuilt prompts to examine and improve your code. There's even a General Question prompt, for chats unrelated to LINQPad or programming. And if that isn't enough, you can write your own templates, with customized user and system prompts.

Because each conversation is fully rewritable (including the system prompt) you can use LINQPad as a prompt engineering tool. Write and test prompts for your own applications, and compare multiple versions.

When the AI engine emits code, LINQPad gives you several options to integrate that code into your query. This includes a source-control-style compare, so that you can clearly see insertions and deletions before updating existing code.

Flexible Activation Policy

We know that you’ll want to use LINQPad on your work machine, home machine and laptop, so we’ve allowed a single-user license to activate up to three machines at once for your personal use. You also get an additional three activations for virtual machines running VMWare, MS Virtual PC, Hyper-V, Azure Roles, or Azure VMs. And when they’re all used, you can transfer your activations - up to 6 times a year — through an automated web app.

No extra downloads are required: just click Upgrade to Paid Edition on LINQPad's help menu, and enter your activation code.

You’re in Good Company

More than 50,000 customers use a paid edition of LINQPad, including 30 Fortune 100 companies and four of the world’s largest banks. The biggest corporate user is Microsoft, who have also been instrumental in helping with the product. The free edition has been downloaded more than four million times.

LINQPad is written and maintained by Joe Albahari, author of C# in a Nutshell. Joe is a long-time conference speaker, and has received 15 Microsoft MVP awards.